Mike Pompliano

freelance writer
Hello and welcome to my writing portfolio!
I'm a freelance writer, environmental engineer, and public speaker in Denver.
I'm here to write about topics that have often remained unspoken - those that expand imagination and challenge us to consider new ideas.
Please feel free to check out my freelance work below!

I found my way into freelance writing on an unexpected path. Several years ago, I struggled with public speaking anxiety at a new job. Initially perceiving this as a limitation, I was unaware that an exciting journey was just around the corner.
I joined Toastmasters International, a worldwide public speaking community, to improve communication skills. While making strides developing these abilities, I also discovered how much I enjoyed authoring speeches. Writing and connecting with others over inspiring topics became a true passion!
I recently began freelance writing with Out Front Magazine, an LGBTQ publication produced in Denver. During my first year as a contributing writer, I’ve authored stories about local and global events, communication and daily balance, intriguing social issues, and TV and film reviews (I love sci-fi and comic book fandom)! What I’m most excited about though are the topics that are next.
When I'm not writing, I love hiking around Colorado, plants (my green thumb is an ongoing work in progress), dance music, herbal tea, and expanding my introverted nature in social settings.
My portfolio contains clips of my freelance work. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to discuss opportunities!
As many great journeys begin,

About Me

Personal Essays
News & Events
TV & Film Reviews

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Website by Zyro © 2023
Looking for a freelance writer? Interested in discussing opportunities? Send me a message!